I know you want to get to East 10th Avenue, we get it but NO THRU TRUCKS means you too. Bro, take 49th Street or 41st Street don't be cruising down residential streets. Since we're talking about breaking laws, don't be cruising down the middle of the street either - pick a lane bro. (notice the tire tracks in the rain) That's not cool.
Tags: Sweet Home Hialeah Blog, Hialeah Blogger, Blog About Hialeah, City of Hialeah, South Florida Blogger, Hialeah Lifestyle, What's Happening in Hialeah, Tractor Trailers, No Thru Trucks, East Hialeah
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Youre a douche. That man is on the road 10-12 hrs a day. It's pretty simple to sit there and talk shit right??? Go out, get a real job and then see if you have time sit there and eat this type of shit. I mean really, who would have soooo much free time to START a Hialeah blog? No life brother? Find a hobby besides talking about something you have no clue of. He's in the center because he just made a turn. A 56' foot trailer ISNT able to maneuver like YOUR bicycle. Get a life...BRO!
Actually, you're a douche. Shouldn't you be working right now instead of reading blogs?
Law breakers are law breakers. No Thru Trucks Bro!
ha! I agree - anonymous is a douche. i just moved to Chicago, but grew up in Hialeah and LOVE this blog. Keep the posts coming!
My guess is that Anon is a bitter truck driver who probably breaks the law daily and doesn't like being called out on it.
Also, anon, this truck came off Lejeune (E 8th Ave) and had 3 blocks to get his truck into the right lane. He was just a crappy, driver with no respect for the law - you know, like you.
You're absolutely right "Pepe" lol I couldn't possibly be thinking of all the people it took in THESE TRUCKS AND OTHERS to build this city. If it weren't for these guys PEPITO you wouldn't have nearly half of the crap you call yours. Hey CHICAGO! why'd ya leave buddy? PEPE go to school; maybe then, you'll have something to really do with your life. btw...I'm on my phone sitting at the beach; monetary problems are a non-issue for me bro! Good to you and that CHURRO of a brain :)
Maybe if the signs were in Spanish?
English, Spanish, Creole - won't matter. People don't read.
These problems will continue until Hialeah Police Department gets involved and starts doing something about it. Don't hold your breath on that.
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