Photo Credit: Nelson Rodriguez
I love it. It has a real Sweet Home Hialeah feel doesn't it? This is what makes Hialeah so special.
Tags: Sweet Home Hialeah Blog, Hialeah Blogger, Blog About Hialeah, City of Hialeah, South Florida Blogger, Hialeah Lifestyle, What's Happening in Hialeah, Nelson Rodriguez, Chipotle, Hialeah Signs, No Speak English
(Don't forget to become a fan on Facebook or at the very least hit up Juana at JuanaLaCubana.Hialeah)
(Don't forget to become a fan on Facebook or at the very least hit up Juana at JuanaLaCubana.Hialeah)
OmG! The spelling in Spanish is just as bad.
Not sure what language they speak because neither the Spanish nor English make any sense. I suppose in some variant of Hialeah Spanglish this must have made sense to the writer.
That's too funny.
Dios mío! Que horror!!!!
OMG this is terrible!
silviendo lol
dew??? "to" hard? guess?? that is sooo funny!!!
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