It's time again for our game "Latino or Americano?" All you have to do is guess if the house pictured is owned by a Latino or an Americano. Ready? Set? Guess!
This one should be an easy one for you veterans of Latino or Americano...
This one should be an easy one for you veterans of Latino or Americano...
Tags: Sweet Home Hialeah Blog, Hialeah Blogger, Blog About Hialeah, City of Hialeah, South Florida Blogger, Hialeah Lifestyle, What's Happening in Hialeah, Latino or Americano, Hialeah Residences, Humor, Hialeah Real Estate
Ok, I'll go first...
Oil drum filled with what looks like trash, garden hose(s) close to a high voltage sign that may just be there to keep people away, and miscellaneous 'parts' scattered about?.... Americano.
Casa Americano.
Americano y loco!
Love this blog. Just checked it out from SFDB and added a link to you on my site.
Americano and very crazy.
The city cleaned out his yard last year and he spray painted a Swaztika on his awning.
All signs point to Americano.
Those two big poles in the front look like, oh, nevermind.
I know, too easy. A M E R I C A N O
Then again, there was the name FREEMAN on the sign too. LOL.
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