Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Grass is Higly Overrated

In Hialeah, grass is highly overrated. We like to pave over it, which comes in handy during Noche Buena and Cinco de Mayo.


Yono Senada said...

I love the smell of cement in the morning ...

Gio aka Don "C" said...

of course.. you need paved porches to stay away from parking on the sidewalk!!!! oh Duh!!

Mike said...

I wonder if the irony of that picture is lost on some people who knew Hialeah in the 60's? The Corvette cost more than the house cost when it was new, unless it's like most high-end transportation in SoFla...leased.

Yono Senada said...

and no grass stains on kid's jeans ... of course head injuries, oh well ...

Squathole said...

Silly people who tear up their grasss -- what, they think they can smoke cement?

@Dayngr said...

I like how the car and the house conveniently match. I need one of those "no mow" lawns.

Pepe said...

So you like the cement front yards do you? I make more for you.

Anonymous said...

What do you think they do with that small strip where the trees are? do they have a mower just for that? and why didn't htey pave over that? think the right is for the owner and his cool car and the left is for all the other 12 people who live in the efficiency around back?

stephy said...

muchacho ellos cortan el poquito de yerba con el wiriri!