All they need now is a lawn jockey!
Tags: Sweet Home Hialeah Blog, Hialeah Blogger, Blog About Hialeah, City of Hialeah, South Florida Blogger, Hialeah Lifestyle, What's Happening in Hialeah, Lawn Jockey, Fisherman
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Weren't they outlawed along with the Sambo's Restaurants !!!!!!!!!!
Omg!!! I thought these were done away with since the 60s. Pre-Civil Rights era racism alive and well in Hialeah.
I've seen them painted white to offset the racial connotations. Funny shit.
Lawn jockey? Where is the lawn?
Some people see what they want to see. Why is it "racist" to have this on the porche? Because people have been programmed to think of such figures as "racist" but that doesn't mean the owner is racist, just because some jackasses think he is. Americans are a bunch of idiots.
Well, I think it's fucking adorable!
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