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Good, bad or ugly, Hialeah is home. This is where we represent!
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You we're all about Hialeah so when this editorial came into our email we didn't want to deny it's author the chance to have his/her voice heard. We didn't write it, we're not responsible for the content but you're welcome to leave your comments for the author. This is our first editorial but if it you like it and if there's something you want to say we might feature it here too.
Editorial - Amelia Earhart Park by A.
I bring this to the attention of the citizens of the City of Hialeah, the City of Miami, South Florida, State of Florida, and outwardly into the world.
Dedicated to those of you who care about our forests, our natural resources, and the wild beauty of nature, and do not want to see them become another parking lot.
In the city of Hialeah, there is a little known gem, called Amelia Earhart Park. Even to those who regularly visit this site, do not truly know of its beauty.
I will make this short and get to the point, I will not spend too much time on this not because I don’t care enough, but because I believe that what we resist with emotions we attract more of, and If there is nothing I can do about it, then at least I will not fuel more of what is already happening.
In Amelia Earhart Park, there is a pristine natural forest, which has been untouched by men for thousands of years all the way in the back previously unaccesible by car. In this site we can still see natural hills, not man made, and coral stone remnants of an ocean millions of years old.
This is the last remaining piece of natural history left in Hialeah.
Hialeah park also known as the Hialeah Dog Race Track, or El Ipodromo as we here call it -is whole 'nother story.
Hialeah has become the city of progress, progress towards a giant concrete block, progress towards all things industry, but it is not in harmony with the future, and it is not in harmony with nature.
I am no tree-hugger, but it does not take a tree hugger to feel a noticeable difference when one enters a city such as Coral Gables, filled with tress, and parks where one can go and truly get away and be free in man’s natural environment among many of the other benefits, inlcuding natural fresh air, and land value.
It is not enough that we live in artificial environments, and eat artificial foods; it is not enough for the people of this park who are converting every bit of our paradise into parking lots and unnatural bike trails, and thinking they have the right to cut down 200-300 year old trees. -Trees which have been around many years before them. Yet, they still feel they own it, they own nature; because someone gave them a paper that says they own the land. It is all illusion.
Even the people who are cutting down and defacing our planet do not really understand what they are doing, if they really knew they would not do it.
I write this in the spare chance that there is someone else out there who may read this and cares enough, I will not pursue this further, I will however speak my truth and just let it be.
I do believe that there are many people who care, but in our city more and more are giving-in to the concrete way of life, and no longer hear their voice loud enough to speak towards what they know is right and true.
Tags: Sweet Home Hialeah Blog, Hialeah Blogger, Blog About Hialeah, City of Hialeah, South Florida Blogger, Hialeah Lifestyle, What's Happening in Hialeah, Only in Hialeah, Amelia Earhart Park
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This photo was taken in 2006. Guess who's having the last laugh now?
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Photo credit: Adrian Salgado
Don't drop your load in this bathroom. Only pee pee allowed.
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